Ryoma dreamed Beyond the Pacific Ocean

Industry Type - Commodities Handled
Paper and Paper-making Materials
Lumber and Wood/Bamboo Products
Machine Materials and Metal Products
Fishing Tackle and Hooks
Foodstuffs, Agricultural and Marine Products
Construction and Trading Company etc.
Maritime Cargo Services
Finance etc.
Special Member

Construction and Trading Company etc. TOSAMACHINE CO.,LTD.

We are a wholesaler and retailer specializing in machine tools. With "We help to manufacture all kinds of things!" as our catchphrase, we propose and offer customers "special benefits." In particular, in partnership with the world's top makers of cutting tools, measurement tools, hydraulic equipment, and machine tools, we provide better technology and the most up-to-date information. In April of 2018, we established a business division in the EC. With Alibaba as a base, we provide good products made in Kochi and in Japan, "from Kochi to the world"! We are broadcasting.

main item

  • machine tools (world's top brand, OSG)
    We provide production goods to the manufacturing industry for making things.
  • cutting tools (Ryoco, in the line of the Mitsubishi Group)
    In particular, cutting tools are a specialty area that we most excel at.
  • food products, health food products
    We sell food products on the net, including Sodabushi and udon noodles. We also sell health foods such as Niwa Mate 21.

Company Profile


公益社団法人 高知県貿易協会

所在地:高知県高知市丸ノ内1-2-20 高知県庁本庁舎内

TEL:088-821-0033 FAX:088-822-3065