Ryoma dreamed Beyond the Pacific Ocean

Industry Type - Commodities Handled
Paper and Paper-making Materials
Lumber and Wood/Bamboo Products
Machine Materials and Metal Products
Fishing Tackle and Hooks
Foodstuffs, Agricultural and Marine Products
Construction and Trading Company etc.
Maritime Cargo Services
Finance etc.
Special Member

Machine Materials and Metal Products GIKEN Ltd.

Established in 1967 as a contamination response company, this group developed the "Silent Piler," a non-polluting press-in piling machine, establishing a new "press-fitting" method of piling that does not generate excessive noise or vibration, is safe in its effects on the earth and can perform high-precision work in a small space.
"Implant Structures" constructed using these press-fitting methods are resilient against both horizontal and vertical external forces and are used in a variety of applications including land resilience enhancement and urban rebuilding, with a record of use in over 30 countries.

main item

  • Silent Piler
    The Silent Piler uses the resistant force of piles that have already been pressed in to insert additional piles without releasing noise from the static load of hydraulic pressure.
  • Implant Levee
    This levee is constructed by pressing a succession of steel sheet piles and steel pipe piles into the ground. It is resilient against earthquakes and tsunamis and continues to maintain its functionality.
  • Seismic underground parking lot "Eco- cycle"
    This is a bicycle parking machine that utilizes underground space created via pressing. It is capable of storing 204 bicycles underground while preserving the space above for human use.

Company Profile

  • Name : GIKEN Ltd.
    Name of Representative : Shinnosuke Moribe
    Address: 3948-1 Nunoshida, Kochi-shi, Kochi 781-5195
    TEL&FAX : TEL 088-846-2933 FAX 088-846-2939
    Website: https://www.giken.com/


    Capital: 5,844,318,000
    年商: 18,824,695,000
    Established: January 1978
    Employees: 451


公益社団法人 高知県貿易協会

所在地:高知県高知市丸ノ内1-2-20 高知県庁本庁舎内

TEL:088-821-0033 FAX:088-822-3065