Ryoma dreamed Beyond the Pacific Ocean

Industry Type - Commodities Handled
Paper and Paper-making Materials
Lumber and Wood/Bamboo Products
Machine Materials and Metal Products
Fishing Tackle and Hooks
Foodstuffs, Agricultural and Marine Products
Construction and Trading Company etc.
Maritime Cargo Services
Finance etc.
Special Member

Chemicals Ujiden Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

Our company has developed a solid base in the technologies of arc welding, pulverization, granulation, moulding, calcination, and polishing. We provide products and technologies that are indispensable to manufacturing, and support the foundation of the world's industry. Our main enterprise is the manufacture and sale of all sorts of abrasives. We also make polishers and accessory equipment in addition to offering assistance in planning polishing line systems. We sell high grade fireproof materials as well. Although we are based in Kochi, we do business all over the world.

main item

  • Tosa Emery Extr
    This abrasive is one of our long time best sellers. The unique crystalline structure allows the grains to automatically regenerate their edges. Its high grinding ability and durability allow for a uniform surface to be created.
  • Dry Process Barrel Grinding System
    This is a grinding system that does not use water. This allows for cleaner work that costs less and has a lower impact on the environment.
  • Tosa Lit Series (barrel grinding media)
    We carry a diverse lineup for use with everything from conventional wet process grinding to dry process grinding. We can also make recommendations based on customer needs.

Company Profile

  • Name : Ujiden Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
    Name of Representative : 西山彰一
    Address: 5-7-34 Sanbashidori, Kochi City, Kochi 780-8010
    TEL&FAX : TEL 088-832-6161 FAX 088-832-6164
    Website: http://www.ujiden-net.co.jp/


    Capital: 100,000,000
    年商: 2,028,000,000
    Established: November 1939
    Employees: 95


公益社団法人 高知県貿易協会

所在地:高知県高知市丸ノ内1-2-20 高知県庁本庁舎内

TEL:088-821-0033 FAX:088-822-3065